
Shakthisree Gopalan


Born 25 October 1988 (age 28)
Kochi, Kerala, India
Genres PopR’n’BJazzPlayback singingIndian Classical Music
Occupation(s) Singer, Songwriter
Instruments Vocalist
Years active 2008–current
Associated acts Off The Record
Pyjama Conspiracy
Website shakthisreegopalan.co.in

Shakthisree Gopalan is an Indian vocalist, songwriter and performer, famous for her collaborations with the top south-Indian music directors/composers like A.R.Rahman, Harris Jayaraj etc. Aside from the film music She has been making a substantial impact in the independent music scene, performing with various bands over the years dabbling in PopR’n’Btrip-hop and jazz.[1][2]

Alongside her success in the Indian film music industry she has been performing and releasing music independently in multiple languages. She has also garnered appreciation for her cover videos on her YouTube channel.

Shakthisree Gopalan is an architect by profession, graduating from Anna University School of Architecture and Planning.

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